Doing small things in a great wayDoing small things in a great way Not all heroes wear capes | Olney Enterprise

2022-09-10 03:19:47 By : Mr. Kevin Du

We may not be able to do a lot of great things, but we can do many small things that really matter to others. As I thought about this statement, I look around and see many small, but very important things being done every day. There is a commercial on TV that shows a lady who grows flowers, and makes bouquets for friends and shut-ins—a nice gesture. Sometimes baking a pie or casserole as a “thank you” for a generous deed may be more meaningful than just a written note. Inviting people to holiday meals who are alone during special times is a sweet gesture that we might include in our holiday planning.

Showing appreciation to older friends by taking them out to lunch. or even taking lunch to their home is a gracious and rewarding thing to do.

Before all the streets in Olney were paved, the street beside our house always became very muddy when it rained. Often, cars would get stuck along that street. My dad would get his tractor out and proceed to pull them out—a thoughtful thing to do.

My mother-in-law always cooked Mother’s Day lunch for her daughters-in- law— an example of love. I followed that example and have always cooked Mother’s Day lunch for my daughters.

My husband had his own small ministry. He shelled pecans by the hundreds of pounds during the pecan season. He made a list of people he planned to give shelled pecans to each year. It included friends, doctor, nurses, pastor, church staff, mechanics, mail man, druggist, neighbors, and others who showed up at our house. It was a ministry of love.

On numerous occasions there have been friends who showed up at a very timely moment when help was badly needed. One morning when my husband was down and needed help, a friend just happened to stop by at a very timely moment. He stayed all day and helped move furniture, etc. as we got ready for a hospital bed to be delivered. I call him my “visiting angel.”

On another occasion, a friend happened to drive up just in time to help my daughter and me rehang a long metal gate. Was it just timely?…maybe.

If a simple good deed comes to mind, remember that when the “spirit” speaks— don’t hesitate! Being generous and giving of ourselves to others is a ministry in itself. ”Not all heroes wear capes!”

213 E. Main St.
PO Box 577 
Olney, Texas 76374